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2021-2024 Priorities
  • Raising standards of teaching and learning

  • Classroom readiness

  • Security of assets and safeguarding of students (especially women and girls)


  • Teachers accommodation

  • Electricity supply

  • Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

  • Fundraising and developing partnerships

  • Feeding Programme



YOSA International activities 2020-2021

From 2020 we formed a coalition of international and Sierra Leone based YOSA alumni associations, Yengema Secondary School alumni, ex-teachers, current teachers, the school's administration, friends of the school, local  councillors, and the Diocese of Kenema - working in partnership to advance, support and rehabilitate learning and wellbeing at the school. ​Coalition members are based in Sierra Leone, USA, UK, South Africa, Kenya, the EU and Canada, and our partners SLIP are based in Ireland.

During the SARSCOV2 pandemic we commenced regular international meetings on Zoom and formed seven working groups to create strategy for the various components necessary to restore the school. The working groups are;

  • Teaching and learning.

  • Classroom readiness, including Nelson Sinah's school painting project (complete) classroom desks and chairs, ICT equipment.

  • Security (of assets) and safeguarding of students (especially women and girls)

  • Teachers accommodation.

  • Electricity supply, including rehabiltation of power house building (complete), wiring of main trunk cables to distribution points.

  • Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), including advocacy to government and 4 new water points (complete), construction of a water tower (due December 2024), piping and water points, rehabilitation of girls toilets and septic tank (complete)

  • Fundraising and developing partnerships.

  • Feeding Programme, including rehabilitation of the derelict poultry (complete), construction of clay oven bakery and multipurpose building, 


 For the latest details follow us on Facebook and Twitter. 

Click here to view our current programme

We're currently updating the YOSA International website and welcome any input including articles, photos and videos. we also welcome anyone who'd like to take a more active part in the working groups. 


YSSOSTFA Activities and Performance 2012-2014

​Since 2012 YSSOSTFA worked successfully with Yengema Secondary School's administration to design and implement a number of strategic projects aimed at raising standards of learning and teaching at the school. In 2012 YSSOSTFA identified the priorities highlighted at left:


YSSOSTFA has continued to network with Sierra Leonean community organisations, other school partners, staff and students and have used social media to help connect hundreds of ex-students and friends of the school as well as a few of the schools ex-teachers.                  


Although we have offered capacity building assistance and partnerships to the Freetown and Kono based YOSA alumni organisations, these partnerships are still a work in progress.                          

YSSOSTFA has conducted outreach through various channels to Catholic Church leaders to advocate for action for the school and enquire about their future intentions for their schools in Sierra Leone. Our research suggests that Catholic Church leaders in Sierra Leone are not in a position, financially or organisationally, to involve themselves in major support of second-level education in most of the country's districts. Recognising the Catholic Bishops as Patron-Proprietors of the schools inherited from the Catholic Mission, YSSOSTFA will do its utmost to partner with Christian Brothers at YSS and with the newly founded Sierra Leone Province of Spiritans, as well as with the Catholic Diocesan authorities of Kenema and Freetown, in capacity building and seeking external funding for Yengema's schools.

As former students and teachers at YSS, we find it strange that the Conference of Bishops has not set up a pastoral ministry of education to guide their schools and bid for external funding for all their educational institutions. We hope that Alumni Associations can eventually team up in partnerships to inspire Church leaders to formulate the Church's philosophy, policy and positions on its schools. Surely the inheritance from the past and guarantee of youth's future deserve better planned stewardship.

As a result of our hard earned credibility, stemming from successful implementation of school improvement projects, our next step will be outreach to the SL education ministry (MEST) and local authorities to facilitate better governance and resources for the school and its students. We have been working in partnership with  the Eastern Polytechnic Distance Teacher Training College in Sierra Leone, to deliver on-the-job INSET teacher training courses to 3 of the school's teachers, thanks to scholarships from YSSOSTFA. We hope to extend this scholarship programme as funds allow..

With the aid of much dialogue, development, project delivery experience and lessons-learned, YSSOSTFA has identified the following projects in their Programme Plan;

  1. Reference Library Project - completed 2014 with ongoing support

  2. Teacher Training and Teaching Standards Project - incorporating teacher incentives partnership and scholarships - in progress 

  3. Curriculum Development and Raising Standards Project - in progress - School improvement plan in progress 1st draft 

  4. Solar Power Supply Project - preliminary planning complete, partial partner implementation in progress (library only)

  5. Science Labs (chemistry, physics and biology) Projects - chemistry lab project; planning, furnishings and fittings - in progress 

  6. Chapel rehabilitation - Christian Brothers' successful funding bid requires 15% school contribution.

  7. Workshops rehabilitation - concept phase

  8. Staff quarters rehabilitation - concept phase

  9. Gender project - to be developed

  10. Agricultural, environment and honey bee project - concept phase​

​YOSA International (UK)

101 Lanark Road, Maida Vale, London W9 1PB UK 

Website Copyright 2013-14 Yengema Secondary School Old Students Teachers and Friends Association (YSSOSTFA)

Website Copyright 2014-2021 Yengema Secondary School Old Students Association International (YOSA INternational))


Images all rights reserved by the image authors 

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