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Links to information on education in Sierra Leone.

Links to information on education in Sierra Leone​

Improving quality education in junior secondary schools in Sierra Leone.
Alicia Fitzpatrick and Julia Frazier - Commonwealth Education Partnership 2011
'It is hoped that as the programme expands, many more women will be able to take advantage of this opportunity to get teaching certification through this DE option. And, as JSSs gradually hire more qualified women teachers, girls will have more role models in schools, which could mean that more girls will stay on at school to complete the full basic education and have the broader range of options that come with that level of education ..........More


There are now almost 20,000 teachers working in 3430 primary schools in Sierra Leone. The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST) would like to employ at least another 5000 but, up until very recently, has been unable to do so because of staff ‘ceilings’ agreed with the International Monetary Fund. As a result, around 20 per cent of primary school teachers at government-funded primary schools are not on the public sector payroll. Many of these are ‘volunteer’ or ‘community teachers’ who have little or no professional training and  who are paid very little by their schools. .......More

'A Roadmap to A Better Future 2007 - 2015'
SL Ministry of Education Science and Technology - 2007​
​​The Education Sector Plan of Sierra Leone is a strategic document which is based on the SL government’s 2006 Country Status Report (the diagnostic and analytical foundation of the situation of education in Sierra Leone) and the 2004 Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper. Together they map out how GOSL intends to build on the education gains made since the war so that by the year 2015 all children will be going to school and receiving a quality education. More......


​There are six teacher training college in Sierra Leone that train teachers. These were recently converted into polytechnics. Five of these train people in primary education. They are Port Loko, Makeni and Bo Teachers College and former Bunumbu College now called Eastern Polytechnic and the Freetown Teachers College. Former Milton Margai College of Education MMCE now upgraded into a polytechnic called Milton Margai College of Education and Technology is special as it produces teachers forboth primary, secondary and has a Bachelorin Education and other subjects i.e. TC, HTC and B.A. More.......

​A Millennium Development Goal Project In partnership with EducAid, Sierra Leone
The Steve Sinnott Foundation - 2011
EducAid has a decade long  experience of running some of the most successful secondary schools in Sierra Leone, achieving a 90% student qualifying rate at the West African Senior Certificate of Education WASSE). EducAid has a
skilled and experienced workforce, groomed over the years by the organisation itself. Having made a significant difference in delivery and management of primaryand secondary education at five locations Lumley, Magbeni, Rolal, Maronka and Rogbere -EducAid sawits way forward in supporting professional development of teachers in Sierra Leone, identifying twelve teachers from EducAid to go through an intensive one​ -​week course in London and then returning them to Sierra Leone to share the skills they had learned with other teachers. More......

 A Transnational Appraisal of Virtual School and College Provision.
VISCED 2007 - 2012
​​​​This wiki was maintained by the VISCED project on Virtual Schools and Colleges (funded by LLP in 2011 - 2012), which has made an inventory and carried out a systematic review at international and national levels of innovative ICT-enhanced learning/teaching "Exemplar" initiatives and "e-mature" major secondary and post-secondary education providers for the 14-21 age group. More......

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