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Celebrating 50 years of girls education at Yengema Secondary School ! 1973-2023

This academic year we celebrate 50 years of girls attending YSS. YSS was inaugurated in December 1964, at first accepting boys only. In 1973 after the arrival of the School Sisters of Notre Dame, and the formation of their convent in YSS' campus, girls were admitted, attending school in a separate section of the school campus. Since then YSS has gone fully co-educational and the previously girls-only section is now the Junior Secondary School. To celebrate 50 years of girls education at YSS, the YOSA old girls (alumnae) have launched their own project, which they will project manage. The project will renovate the collapsed and disfunctional girls toilets in the Senior Secondary School that were built only a few years ago by the Christian Brothers congregation. The latter used to teach at the school but have now left. We believe the original construction was funded by the Edmund Rice Development Agency based in Ireland. Renovation of the girls toilets will have a major impact on girls education at YSS; it will enable girls to avoid missing classes, which sets them back behind the boys, and girls will be able to attend for the whole school day in safety and comfort. YOSA alumnae have already raised over 46,400 New Leones (£1,600 or US$2,000), mostly from personal donations from alumnae, but also from an 11,800 New Leone (£415 or $500) grant from the YOSA International WASH fund, which was created by Lansana Marah, of Sigodi Marah Martin International. Lansana is a YSS Alumnus based in South Africa.

YOSA alumnae are completing project planning and are starting implementation. They can be contacted through our Facebook group, Facebook page or Whatsapp groups.



​YOSA International (UK)

101 Lanark Road, Maida Vale, London W9 1PB UK 

Website Copyright 2013-14 Yengema Secondary School Old Students Teachers and Friends Association (YSSOSTFA)

Website Copyright 2014-2021 Yengema Secondary School Old Students Association International (YOSA INternational))


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